Hi, this simple tutorial help newbie how to use HTML5 Form Placeholder. You need to know placeholder is more effective than you use "blur" or anything old type placeholder. More crazy if you use "value='sometext". That is really not effective. Do you know? value ='' is not a placeholder. That is what your visitor type in the form. Like a search form "search/?q=example" , example is value. So? Try think again which is the best form placeholder. I suggest you to choose the HTML5 Placeholder very easy and effective. Example: <input type='text'/> , how to add the placeholder there. Let see it closer <input type='text' placeholder='Example'/>. Example is a placeholder text. Placeholder is useful for search form, contact form, or anything form type. How to styling a placeholder? Upss... You too fast to go there. But placeholder is really can styled. I dont lie with you, wait the next post. I will show you how to do that.